Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lemme in St. Petey..... ( a poem)

I stand at heaven's gates,
Waiting to be to let in.
It's crowded out here, pushing and yelling,
Straining to hear above the din.

I met a man, who watched as Socrates drank the hemlock,
Another saw Joan of Ark burn.
Yet another believed half his soul 
Was left inside his urn.

Me, I witnessed nothing,
Was there at no crossroad.
The only thing I have to offer
Is my own life's tiny load.

I did not watch the nails driven
Into Jesus' hands.
I also did not leave my footprints
In Great Atlantis' sands.

Though those tomes are big,
I was not included in the gospels.
And I highly doubt a tiny bit
That my bones are precious fossils.

All I've got is I, St Pete,
So take me in because:
Of all the Me's there ever were,
I'm the best there ever was.

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